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Nice Topic Ideas for Your Research Paper

A dreaded assignment in school - whether in high school, college, or graduate school - is the research paper. Because of the paper's length and the amount of reading involved, students know that this paper is going to demand a lot of their time.

The right topic is key

Although difficult, it is not an impossible task to complete, especially if you have the right topic for yourself. Since teachers expect you to examine the issue from multiple angles, the more you like your topic, the easier it will be for you. Conversely, if you choose something you are not aware of or something you dislike, it will be tough to finish the task.

Aside from a topic you are interested in, you must confirm that what you have picked has sufficient resources that you can access. Despite the magic of the internet, not all topics have enough info on the web, or they might not be free, as many journals require you to pay for access to particular researches or require you to pay to become a member first. If this is the case for your preferred topic, you will need a backup choice.

Some choices for you

If choosing a topic has been difficult because you are not that interested in your class, take a look at these ideas for you.


  1. Cyberterrorism: Just how bad is it?
  2. Is the constant improvement in technology giving people more stress?
  3. How technology is reshaping education
  4. The effect of technology on family ties
  5. Are video games to blame for the rise in teenage violence?
  6. Can robots boost the economy? 
  7. Are cryptocurrencies helpful or harmful?


  1. How can parents better shield their children from the negative effects of social media?
  2. Causes of domestic violence today
  3. How to improve co-parenting today
  4. Is marriage still valued today?
  5. Teenage pregnancy: the fault of parents or media?
  6. Are working parents receiving enough support from their employers?
  7. Difficulties of integrating adopted children into the family


  1. How bad is gang violence today?
  2. Is substance abuse more of a problem today compared to a decade ago?
  3. Just how open are developed countries to immigrants?
  4. How does the public view global warming?
  5. Will carpooling ever become a regular practice in congested cities?
  6. How concerned are everyday citizens about endangered animals?
  7. How safe are neighborhoods today?


  1. Are shorter workweeks possible?
  2. Are today’s fresh graduates prepared for the workplace?
  3. Working-at-home: The new normal in the 21st century?
  4. Are BPOs ruining the economy?
  5. Should multinational companies NOT be allowed to operate in developing countries?
  6. Should the US and its allies stop supporting terrorist nations?
  7. Is it fair to require higher education for promotion?


Making a great research paper becomes easier if you like the topic that you are looking into. So choose well so that the research process is enjoyable for you. Good luck!

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